
49 件の資料が 96801 件の資料から 0.151 秒で見つかりました。

1 沖縄国際大学経済論集 Journal of economics and environmental policy. ST:経済論集 冊子体
2 尚美学園大学総合政策論集 BC:Shobi journal of policy studies, Shobi University 冊子体
3 大学院紀要 Bulletin of graduate studies. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, Social sciences. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, social sciences, social well-being studies. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, social sciences, economics, law, politics, sociology, business administration, policy sciences, environmental management, social well-being studies. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, intercultural communication, social sciences, economics, law, politics, sociology, business administration, policy sciences, environmental management, social well-being studies. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, intercultural communication, social sciences, economics, law, politics, sociology, business administration, policy sciences, environmental management, regional policy design, social well-being studies. OH:Bulletin of graduate studies. Humanities, intercultural communication, social sciences, economics, law, politics, sociology, business administration, policy sciences, environme 冊子体
4 尚美学園大学総合政策研究紀要 CL:総合政策研究紀要. BC:Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi-Gakuen University. OH:Bulletin of policy and management, Shobi University. OH:Bulletin of polcy and management, Shobi University 冊子体
5 あらゆる学問は保育につながる : 発達保育実践政策学の挑戦 冊子体
6 Health professionals and trust the cure for healthcare law and policy 冊子体
7 Contemporary social evils 冊子体
8 Teenage pregnancy the making and unmaking of a problem 冊子体
Lisa Arai Policy (2009)
9 Gender and health the effects of constrained choices and social policies 冊子体
10 Health policy a critical perspective 冊子体