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461 駒澤地理 VT:駒沢地理. OH:駒沢大学地理学研究報告. OH:Komazawa geography. OH:Science reports of Geograophical Institute, Komazawa University. OH:Science reports of Department of Geograophy, the Komazawa University. OH:Komazawa journal of geography. VT:駒澤大学地理学教室論文題一覧 冊子体
462 駒澤大學北海道教養部論集 BC:The Hokkaido General Education review of Komazawa University. VT:駒沢大学北海道教養部論集 冊子体
463 駒澤大學北海道教養部研究紀要 BC:Hokkaido journal of Komazawa University. VT:駒沢大学北海道教養部研究紀要 冊子体
464 北海道駒澤大學研究紀要 Journal of the Hokkaido Komazawa University. VT:北海道駒沢大学研究紀要. OH:Hokkaido journal of Komazawa University. OH:岩見沢駒沢短期大学研究紀要. OH:駒沢大学北海道教養部紀要 冊子体
465 駒澤大學法學部研究紀要 VT:駒沢大学法学部研究紀要. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Law. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Komazawa University. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Law of Komazawa University. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Law, Komazawa University 冊子体
466 駒澤大學文學部研究紀要 VT:駒沢大学文学部研究紀要. BC:Journal of the Faculty of Letters of the Komazawa University. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Letters 冊子体
467 駒沢大学文化 BC:Komazawa University bunka. BC:Culture. VT:文化 冊子体
468 駒澤大學佛教學部研究紀要 BC:Journal of the Faculty of Buddhism of the Komazawa University. OH:Journal of the Faculty of Buddhism. VT:駒沢大学仏教学部研究紀要 冊子体
469 駒沢大学経済学論集 CL:経済学論集. BC:Komazawadaigaku keizaigaku ronshu. OH:Komazawa Daigaku keizaigaku ronshu. BC:The economic review of Komazawa University 冊子体
470 駒澤大學經済學部研究紀要 BC:Journal of the Faculty of Economics. AT:Journal of the Faculty of Economics of Komazawa University. VT:駒沢大学経済学部研究紀要 冊子体