
49 件の資料が 96801 件の資料から 0.067 秒で見つかりました。

21 Mental health policy and practice 冊子体
22 Sex and consequences abortion, public policy, and the economics of fertility 冊子体
23 Constructing childhood theory, policy, and social practice 冊子体
24 Unfit subjects educational policy and the teen mother 冊子体
25 Health and behavior the interplay of biological, behavioral, and societal influences 冊子体
26 Every child a lion the origins of maternal and infant health policy in the United States and France, 1890-1920 冊子体
27 Adolescent pregnancy policy and prevention services 冊子体
28 Health policy in a globalising world 冊子体
29 Governing health the politics of health policy 冊子体
30 Health policy and economics strategic issues in health care management 冊子体