
179 件の資料が 96652 件の資料から 0.068 秒で見つかりました。

61 The letters of Alciphron, Aelian and Philostratus 冊子体
62 Against the professors 冊子体
63 Livy in fourteen volumes 冊子体
64 The embassy to Gaius 冊子体
65 Dio Chrysostom Discourses Dio Chrysostom : in five volumes 冊子体
66 Funeral speech ; Erotic essay, LX, LXI ; Exordia and letters Επιταφιοσ Ερωτικοσ 冊子体
67 The deipnosophists 冊子体
68 The categories ; On interpretation . Prior analytics 冊子体
69 In Catilinam, I-IV ; Pro Murena ; Pro Sulla ; Pro Flacco 冊子体
70 Problems books XXII-XXXVIII ; Rhetorica ad Alexandrum 冊子体