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31 The geography of Strabo in eight volumes 冊子体
32 Dio's Roman history Dio Cassius roman history 冊子体
33 History of the wars 冊子体
34 Memorabilia and oeconomicus ; Symposium and apology 冊子体
35 The statesman ; Philebus . Ion 冊子体
36 Lucian Lucian, in eight volumes 冊子体
37 The histories Ιστοριων 冊子体
38 The histories Ιστοριων 冊子体
39 The histories Ιστοριων 冊子体
40 Pro Archia poeta ; Post reditum in senatu ; Post reditum ad Quirites ; De domo sua ; De haruspicum responsis ; Pro Plancio 冊子体