
40 件の資料が 96546 件の資料から 0.026 秒で見つかりました。

11 The speeches of Aeschines 冊子体
12 Demosthenes and Cicero ; Alexander and Caesar 冊子体
13 Dion and Brutus ; Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus Plutarch : lives 冊子体
14 Letters to Atticus 冊子体
15 Agesilaus and Pompey ; Pelopidas and Marcellus 冊子体
16 The Greek anthology The Greek anthology : in five volumes 冊子体
17 The Greek anthology The Greek anthology : in five volumes 冊子体
18 Dio's Roman history Dio Cassius roman history 冊子体
19 On the natural faculties Περι φυσικων δυναμεων 冊子体
20 Daphnis and Chloe . The love romances of Parthenius and other fragments Daphnis & Chloe 冊子体