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311 The deipnosophists 冊子体
312 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ 冊子体
313 The categories ; On interpretation . Prior analytics 冊子体
314 In Catilinam, I-IV ; Pro Murena ; Pro Sulla ; Pro Flacco 冊子体
315 Parts of animals . Movement of animals ; Progression of animals 冊子体
316 Plutarch's Moralia in sixteen volumes 冊子体
317 Philo in ten volumes (and two supplementary volumes). Philo 冊子体
318 The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus 冊子体
319 Private orations, XXVII-XL 冊子体
320 Problems books XXII-XXXVIII ; Rhetorica ad Alexandrum 冊子体