
248 件の資料が 96820 件の資料から 0.063 秒で見つかりました。

21 Astronomica 冊子体
22 The critical essays in two volumes. Critical essays 冊子体
23 Controversiae, books 7-10 ; Suasoriae Oratorum et rhetorum sententiae, divisiones, colores Suasoriae 冊子体
24 The letters to his brother Quintus ; The letters to Brutus ; Handbook of electioneering Letter to Octavian 冊子体
25 Selected orations Selected works II 冊子体
26 Plotinus Enneades Enneads 冊子体
27 Plotinus Enneades Enneads 冊子体
28 Lucian Lucian, in eight volumes 冊子体
29 Lucian Lucian, in eight volumes 冊子体
30 Aetia, Iambi, lyric poems, Hecale, minor epic and elegiac poems, and other fragments Hero and Leander. Works 冊子体