
1219 件の資料が 96665 件の資料から 0.066 秒で見つかりました。

11 From Tennyson to Whitman 冊子体
12 Elizabethan drama : Marlowe, Shakespeare 冊子体
13 Stories from The Thousand and one nights (The Arabian nights' entertainments) 冊子体
14 The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin . The journal of John Woolman . Fruits of Solitude 冊子体
15 American historical documents 1000-1904 冊子体
16 Folk-lore and fable : ?sop, Grimm, Andersen 冊子体
17 Essays : English and American 冊子体
18 The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri : Hell, Purgatory, Paradise 冊子体
19 The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha 冊子体
20 Plutarch's lives of Themistocles, Pericles, Aristides, Alcibiades and Coriolanus, Demosthenes and Cicero, C?sar and Antony 冊子体