
70 件の資料が 96652 件の資料から 0.130 秒で見つかりました。

1 Philo in ten volumes (and two supplementary volumes). Philo 冊子体
2 Dio Chrysostom Discourses Dio Chrysostom : in five volumes 冊子体
3 On the heavens 冊子体
4 Livy in fourteen volumes 冊子体
5 Stichus ; Three bob day ; Truculentus ; The tale of a travelling bag ; Fragments 冊子体
6 Against Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates, Timocrates, Aristogeiton 冊子体
7 Livy in fourteen volumes 冊子体
8 On the soul ; Parva naturalia ; On breath 冊子体
9 The metaphysics books X-XIV . Oeconomica ; and, Magna moralia. 冊子体
10 Valerius Flaccus Argonauticon 冊子体