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61 ピーターラビットからの手紙 A letter from Peter Rabbit 冊子体
62 Toot suite (S. 212属) for calliope or organ, four hands 冊子体
63 Spielbuch f?r 2 klaviere ; Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Peter Ilj itsch Tschaikowsky, Dmitri Schostakowitsch 冊子体
64 S?beltanz aus dem Ballet 《Gajaneh》 冊子体
65 Linking the U.S. National Technical Information Service with academic and public libraries 冊子体
66 Interactions of thought and language in Old English poetry 冊子体
67 The Oxford nursery rhyme book 冊子体
68 The Oxford dictionary of nursery rhymes 冊子体
69 Rondo for 2 pianos 4 hands opus 87a 冊子体
70 Klaververker for fire hender : originalkomposisjoner og arrangementer av egner verker = Klaviermusik zu vier H?nden : Originalkoampositionen und Bearbeitungen eigener Werke = Piano duet : original compositions and arrangments 冊子体