
265 件の資料が 96820 件の資料から 0.078 秒で見つかりました。

201 Daphnis and Chloe . The love romances of Parthenius and other fragments Daphnis & Chloe 冊子体
202 The Greek anthology The Greek anthology : in five volumes 冊子体
203 The Greek anthology The Greek anthology : in five volumes 冊子体
204 Aeneid VII-XII ; The minor poems 冊子体
205 Casina ; The casket comedy ; Curculio ; Epidicus ; The two menaechmuses 冊子体
206 Amphitryon ; The comedy of asses ; The pot of gold ; The two Bacchises ; The captives 冊子体
207 Letters and Panegyricus 冊子体
208 Metamorphoses 冊子体
209 Heroides ; and, Amores Heroides Amores 冊子体
210 Suetonius in two volumes 冊子体