
53 件の資料が 96551 件の資料から 0.026 秒で見つかりました。

11 The Verrine orations 冊子体
12 De medicina in two volumes 冊子体
13 On the soul ; Parva naturalia ; On breath 冊子体
14 The metaphysics books X-XIV . Oeconomica ; and, Magna moralia. 冊子体
15 Valerius Flaccus Argonauticon 冊子体
16 On agriculture. On agriculture 冊子体
17 Non-literary papyri, public documents 冊子体
18 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ 冊子体
19 Elegy and iambus being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates excepting the choliambic writers with the Anacreontea 冊子体
20 Moral essays 冊子体