manifestation_id original_title title_transcription creator contributor publisher pub_date statement_of_responsibility manifestation_price manifestation_created_at manifestation_updated_at manifestation_identifier access_address description note extent dimensions carrier_type edition edition_string volume_number volume_number_string issue_number issue_number_string serial_number isbn issn jpno doi iss_itemno lccn ncid issn_l subject:unknown subject:ndlsh subject:bsh subject:lcsh classification:ndc9 classification:ddc classification:ndc8 classification:ndc10 item_id item_identifier call_number item_note acquired_at accepted_at circulation_status shelf library item_created_at item_updated_at 50128 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ "" Josephus with an English translation by H.St.J. Thackeray Heinemann 1965 2018-10-31 20:15:37 +0900 2019-11-15 18:23:07 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 50127 10050128 83|L 82|433 BA00884317|FREE:Jews -- History|FREE:Jews -- Antiqui|Publisher's name Heinemann not appeared in later printing|bks.1-4|bks.5-8|bks.9-11|1st|published in U.S.|New York|Putnam?|bks.5-8|tr. by H.St.J. Thackeray and|Ralph Marcus|bks.9-11 and bks.12-14|tr. by Ralph Marcus|In nine volumes not appeared|in some copies|10巻本(in|ten|volumes)の中位の親書誌を持つ別|レコードあり 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 20:15:38 +0900 2018-11-10 04:52:58 +0900 50101 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ "" Josephus with an English translation by H.St.J. Thackeray Heinemann 1943 2018-10-31 20:15:03 +0900 2019-11-15 18:22:44 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 50100 10050101 83|L 82|365 BA00884317|FREE:Jews -- History|FREE:Jews -- Antiqui|Publisher's name Heinemann not appeared in later printing|bks.1-4|bks.5-8|bks.9-11|1st|published in U.S.|New York|Putnam?|bks.5-8|tr. by H.St.J. Thackeray and|Ralph Marcus|bks.9-11 and bks.12-14|tr. by Ralph Marcus|In nine volumes not appeared|in some copies|10巻本(in|ten|volumes)の中位の親書誌を持つ別|レコードあり 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 20:15:04 +0900 2018-11-10 04:52:39 +0900 49909 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ "" Josephus with an English translation by H.St.J. Thackeray Heinemann 1930 2018-10-31 20:10:56 +0900 2019-11-15 18:20:17 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 49908 10049909 83|L 82|242 "BA00884317|FREE:Jews -- History|FREE:Jews -- Antiqui""Publisher's name """"Heinemann"""" not appeared in later printing""|bks.1-4|bks.5-8|bks.9-11|1st|published in U.S.|New York|Putnam?|bks.5-8|tr. by H.St.J. Thackeray and|Ralph Marcus|bks.9-11 and bks.12-14|tr. by Ralph Marcus|""""""In nine volumes"""" not appeared""|in some copies|10巻本(in|ten|volumes)の中位の親書誌を持つ別|レコードあり" 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 20:10:57 +0900 2018-11-10 04:50:21 +0900 49667 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ "" Josephus with an English translation by H.St.J. Thackeray Heinemann 1963 2018-10-31 20:05:46 +0900 2019-11-15 18:16:46 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 49666 10049667 83|L 82|410 "BA00884317|FREE:Jews -- History|FREE:Jews -- Antiqui""Publisher's name """"Heinemann"""" not appeared in later printing""|bks.1-4|bks.5-8|bks.9-11|1st|published in U.S.|New York|Putnam?|bks.5-8|tr. by H.St.J. Thackeray and|Ralph Marcus|bks.9-11 and bks.12-14|tr. by Ralph Marcus|""""""In nine volumes"""" not appeared""|in some copies|10巻本(in|ten|volumes)の中位の親書誌を持つ別|レコードあり" 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 20:05:46 +0900 2018-11-10 04:47:28 +0900 49452 Jewish antiquities Ιογδαικησ αρξαιολογιασ "" Josephus with an English translation by H.St.J. Thackeray Heinemann 1937 2018-10-31 20:01:11 +0900 2019-11-15 18:13:49 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 49451 10049452 83|L 82|326 "BA00884317|FREE:Jews -- History|FREE:Jews -- Antiqui""Publisher's name """"Heinemann"""" not appeared in later printing""|bks.1-4|bks.5-8|bks.9-11|1st|published in U.S.|New York|Putnam?|bks.5-8|tr. by H.St.J. Thackeray and|Ralph Marcus|bks.9-11 and bks.12-14|tr. by Ralph Marcus|""""""In nine volumes"""" not appeared""|in some copies|10巻本(in|ten|volumes)の中位の親書誌を持つ別|レコードあり" 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 20:01:12 +0900 2018-11-10 04:44:38 +0900