manifestation_id original_title title_transcription creator contributor publisher pub_date statement_of_responsibility manifestation_price manifestation_created_at manifestation_updated_at manifestation_identifier access_address description note extent dimensions carrier_type edition edition_string volume_number volume_number_string issue_number issue_number_string serial_number isbn issn jpno doi iss_itemno lccn ncid issn_l subject:unknown subject:ndlsh subject:bsh subject:lcsh classification:ndc9 classification:ddc classification:ndc8 classification:ndc10 item_id item_identifier call_number item_note acquired_at accepted_at circulation_status shelf library item_created_at item_updated_at 15721 The threshold of Anglo-Saxon "" by A.J. Wyatt Cambridge University Press 1935 2018-10-31 03:35:08 +0900 2019-11-14 22:46:44 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 15721 10015722 830.23|W 98| BA3228296X|English language -- Old English, ca. 450-1100 -- Readers|English language -- Old English, ca. 450-1100 -- Readers 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 03:35:08 +0900 2018-11-09 21:51:19 +0900 14964 The forms of action at common law "" by F.W. Maitland edited by A.H. Chaytor and W.J. Whittaker Cambridge University Press 1936 2018-10-31 03:18:25 +0900 2019-11-14 22:36:06 +0900 volume "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 14964 10014965 322.8|Ma 31| BA07091267 1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900 Available On Shelf firstbackroom yours 2018-10-31 03:18:26 +0900 2018-11-09 21:42:11 +0900