manifestation_id	original_title	title_transcription	creator	contributor	publisher	pub_date	statement_of_responsibility	manifestation_price	manifestation_created_at	manifestation_updated_at	manifestation_identifier	access_address	description	note	extent	dimensions	carrier_type	edition	edition_string	volume_number	volume_number_string	issue_number	issue_number_string	serial_number	isbn	issn	jpno	doi	iss_itemno	lccn	ncid	issn_l	subject:unknown	subject:ndlsh	subject:bsh	subject:lcsh	classification:ndc9	classification:ddc	classification:ndc8	classification:ndc10	item_id	item_identifier	call_number	item_note	acquired_at	accepted_at	circulation_status	shelf	library	item_created_at	item_updated_at
16765	The works of Geoffrey Chaucer	""	edited by F.N. Robinson		Houghton Mifflin  Riverside Press	1961			2018-10-31 03:58:10 +0900	2019-11-15 05:05:44 +0900							volume								""	""	""	""	""	""	""	""									16765	10016766	931.4|C 36|	BA58722128|The Canterbury tales|The book of the duchess|The house of fame|Anelida and Arcite|The parliament of fowls|Boece|Troilus and Criseyde|The legend of good women|Short poems|A treatise on the Astorlabe|The Romaunt of the rose	1996-03-31 00:00:00 +0900		Available On Shelf	firstbackroom	yours	2018-10-31 03:58:11 +0900	2018-11-09 22:03:56 +0900