[M] Integrating health promotion and mental health an introduction to policies, principles, and practices
著者: Vikki L. Vandiver 出版者: Oxford University Press
(出版日: 2009)
所蔵情報ID: 10077414
貸出区分: 図書
貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)
付録を含む: いいえ
請求記号: 498.1|V 28|
受入日: 2008年09月18日
BB00843259|Mental health services|Health policy|Health promotion|Mental Health Services|Health Policy|Health Promotion|Integrating health promotion & mental health|Pursuing wellness through mental health system reform|Health promotion|Evidence-based mental health for health promotion practice|Health promotion and theories for mental health practice|Connecting health promotion principles to mental health policies and programs|Using health promotion principles to guide clinical and community-based mental health assessment|Integrating health promotion strategies into traditional mental health interventions|Evaluating and measuring health promotion strategies for mental health interventions|Health promotion strategies for women with co-morbid health and mental health conditions|Health promotion strategies for the mental health needs of children and families|Catheleen Jordan and Maria Scannapieco with Vikki Vandiver|Moving health promotion forward : culturally competent leadership, strategic planning, and organizational readiness
作成時刻: 2018年11月01日(木) 06時02分07秒 +0900
更新時刻: 2018年11月10日(土) 10時02分41秒 +0900