[M] Truth, lies, and public health how we are affected when science and politics collide
著者: Madelon Lubin Finkel 出版者: Praeger
(出版日: 2007)
所蔵情報ID: 10076724
貸出区分: 図書
貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)
付録を含む: いいえ
請求記号: 498|F 27|
受入日: 2008年01月17日
BA8444183X|Medical policy -- United States|Health Policy -- United States|Biomedical Research -- legislation & jurisprudence -- United States|Communicable Disease Control -- legislation & jurisprudence -- United States|Politics -- United States|Public Health -- legislation & jurisprudence -- United States|About politics and science|The politics of contraception|The global AIDS epidemic: could it have been prevented?|with Sandra Demars|The stem cell controversy: navigating a sea of ethics, politics, and science|with Ryan Cauley|Marijuana as medicine: science versus politics|The quintessential catch-22: the U.S. approach to needle exchange in HIV AIDS prevention|with Ivan Ip|Bleak house and beyond: how tuberculosis control got side-tracked|Science, politics, and the regulation of dietary supplements|Silicone breast implants: misconceptions, misinterpretations, and mistakes|Obesity and public policy|with Joanna M. Paladino|Disease prevention through vaccination: the science and the controversy|with Tony Rosen
作成時刻: 2018年11月01日(木) 05時47分27秒 +0900
更新時刻: 2018年11月10日(土) 09時55分43秒 +0900