
[M] Teaching practice for early childhood a guide for students 冊子体

著者: 出版者: RoutledgeFalmer (出版日: 2004)

所蔵情報ID: 10072980


本棚: 第一書庫 (茨女短大図書館)

貸出区分: 図書

貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)

付録を含む: いいえ

請求記号: 376.1|P 42|


受入日: 2004年10月14日




BA76354150|Early childhood education|Early childhood teachers -- Training of|Teaching practice in early childhood settings|What is teaching practice?|Teaching practice : becoming professional|Teaching practice : opportunities for learning|Preparing for teaching practice|Ways of knowing and understanding children|Teachers and children : building relationships|The nature of observation|What can be observed when getting to know children?|Using observations in curriculum decision making|Some questions about observations|The role of observation in assessing children's learning|Early childhood curriculum|The nature of curriculum|Examples of curriculum work|Curriculum work : embedded in a set of beliefs|Developing knowledge and beliefs about children, learning and teaching|Factors influencing early childhood curriculum|Achieving curriculum goals|A framework for decision making|Creating physical environments for learning and teaching|Organizing the physical environment : what's involved?|Considering the messages and effects of the physical organization|Linking beliefs about learning and teaching with organizational decisions|Being prepared|Creating socially secure environments for learning and teaching|Welcoming and celebrating diversity|Building caring and cooperative relationships|Fostering a sense of independence and responsibility in children|Engendering a sense of fairness|Promoting problem solving and conflict resolution|Guiding behaviour|Becoming a teacher and a researcher of teaching|Developing your own knowledge about teaching|Developing and refining practical skills|Using research to grow as a teacher|Gaining the most from the teaching practice experience|Building effective working relationships in early childhood settings|Becoming familiar with organizational structures, roles and relationships|Promoting partnerships with families|Setting personal goals for teaching practice|Developing professionalism|Stories from beginning teachers : what's the reality?|Kylie's story : 'working in a community-based centre is really for me'|Janine's story : 'that first day I realized I was totally responsible'|Suzanne's story : 'a major high for me was that I survived'|Amy's story : 'we are like a prep class so there is emphasis on transition to school'|Kate's story : 'what I learnt most about this year was how to work with other people'|Brittany's story : 'five years down the track I might be where I want to be, at a place where my philosophy and practice meet'


作成時刻: 2018年11月01日(木) 04時27分47秒 +0900

更新時刻: 2018年11月10日(土) 09時15分44秒 +0900