
[M] When AIDS began San Francisco and the making of an epidemic 冊子体

著者: 出版者: Routledge (出版日: 2004)

所蔵情報ID: 10072273


本棚: 第一書庫 (茨女短大図書館)

貸出区分: 図書

貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)

付録を含む: いいえ

請求記号: 493.878|C 82|


受入日: 2004年01月15日




GA94773633|AIDS (Disease) -- California -- San Francisco -- History|AIDS (Disease) -- California -- San Francisco -- Case studies|Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- epidemiology -- San Francisco -- Case Report|Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- etiology -- San Francisco -- Case Report|Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- history -- San Francisco -- Case Report|Homosexuality, Male -- San Francisco -- Case Report|Sentinel Surveillance -- San Francisco -- Case Report|Sociology -- San Francisco -- Case Report|The sociology of knowledge on HIV and AIDS|The medicalization of gay desire in San Francisco|1974-1983|The early demographics of AIDS: case studies of the first nine gay male AIDS cases in San Francisco|More gay men reported with AIDS in San Francisco: 15 case studies from 1981|The mechanics of AIDS surveillance: an historical critique of the demography of risk|AIDS surveillance statistics: changing the subjects and object of study|Conclusion


作成時刻: 2018年11月01日(木) 04時12分44秒 +0900

更新時刻: 2018年11月10日(土) 09時07分48秒 +0900