Showing Item

[M] 実在論と科学の目的 W・W・バートリー三世編『科学的発見の論理へのポストスクリプト』より Volume

Creator: Publisher: 岩波書店 (Date of publication: 2002)

Item identifier: 10071629

Binding item identifier:

Shelf: 第一閲覧室 (茨女短大図書館)

Checkout type: Book

Circulation status: Available on Shelf

Include supplements: No

Call number: 401|P 81|2


Acquired at: May 08, 2003

Binding call number:

Binded at:


BA56230188|科学哲学||カガクテツガク|Realism and the aim of science|Postscript to the logic of scientific discovery

Accepted at:

Created at: Thu, 01 Nov 2018 03:59:02 +0900

Updated at: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 09:00:53 +0900