Showing Item

[M] Music for the piano a handbook of concert and teaching material from 1580 to 1952 Volume

Creator: Publisher: Dover Publications (Date of publication: 1973)

Item identifier: 10061693

Binding item identifier:

Shelf: 第一書庫 (茨女短大図書館)

Checkout type: Book

Circulation status: Available on Shelf

Include supplements: No

Call number: 763.2|F 47|


Acquired at: March 31, 1996

Binding call number:

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BA2973184X|Piano music -- Bibli|This Dover edition ... is an unabridged|slightly corrected|republication of the work|originally published as volume|V of the series entitled The|Field of music|by Holt|Rinehart and Winston|Inc.|in 1954. A new preface by|Irwin Freundlich and a new|biographical appendix have|been added ...

Accepted at:

Created at: Thu, 01 Nov 2018 00:23:19 +0900

Updated at: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 07:13:11 +0900