
[M] The works of John Milton v. 3, pt. 2 冊子体

著者: 出版者: Columbia University Press. (出版日: 1931)

所蔵情報ID: 10048944


本棚: 第一書庫 (茨女短大図書館)

貸出区分: 図書

貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)

付録を含む: いいえ

請求記号: 938.58|Mi 29|41700


受入日: 1996年03月31日




BA15902343v. 1|pt. 1|Minor poems|v. 1|pt. 2|Samson Agonistes|v. 2|pt. 1|Paradise lost|v. 2|pt|Paradise regained|v. 3|pt. 1|Anti-prelatical tracts|v. 3|pt. 2|Doctrine and discipline of|divorce|v. 4|Divorce tracts|Of education|Areopagitica|v. 5|Tenure of kings|Eikonoklastes|v. 6|English political tracts|Grammar|v. 7|Defensio prima|first defence|v. 8|Defensio secunda|second defence|v. 9|Pro se defensio|author's defence of himself|v. 10|History of Britain|Muscovia|v. 11|Arts of logic|v. 12|Familiarium epistolarum|Prolusiones|Miscellaneous correspondence|v. 13|The state papers|v. 14|De doctrina Christiana|Christian doctrine book 1|chaps. 1-6|v. 15|De doctrina Christiana|Christian doctrine book 1|chaps. 7-20|v. 16|De doctrina Christiana|Christian doctrine book 1|chaps. 21-33|v. 17|De doctrina Christiana|Christian doctrine book 2|v. 18|The uncollected writings|Index V. 1-2. An index to the Columbia edition of the works of John|Milton|by Frank Allen Patterson|assisted by French Rowe Fogle


作成時刻: 2018年10月31日(水) 19時50分20秒 +0900

更新時刻: 2018年11月10日(土) 04時38分22秒 +0900