[M] Capital accumulation in the industrial revolution
著者: edited with an introduction an introduction and notes by B.L. Anderson 出版者: J.M. Dent
(出版日: 1974)
所蔵情報ID: 10018345
貸出区分: 図書
貸出状態: 在架(利用可能)
付録を含む: いいえ
請求記号: 331|C 16|
受入日: 1996年03月31日
BA02951889|Capital -- Addresses Saving and investmen Great Britain -- Eco|Capital -- Addresses|Saving and investmen|Great Britain -- Eco|Of the accumulation of capital|or of productive and|unproductive labour|Asam Smith|Effect of the employment of|machinery|etc.|upon the happiness of the|working classes|William Ellis|On the nature of stock|John Rae|Fundamental propositions respecting capital|John Stuart Mill|A general description of all|trades|Anon|The national debt and the|national capital|Andrew Hooke|Contemporary estimates of the|growth of steam power|1780-1838|An attempt to estimate the|public and private property of the United Kingdom ...|Patrick Colquhoun|Income and expenditure of|turnpike trusts in 1836|On the accumulation of capital|by the different classes of|society|G.R. Porter|Recent accumulation of capital|in the United Kingdom|Robert Giffen
作成時刻: 2018年10月31日(水) 04時33分09秒 +0900
更新時刻: 2018年11月09日(金) 22時23分23秒 +0900