Showing Item

[M] Rules for a dictionary catalog Volume

Creator: Publisher: 間宮不二雄 清和堂書店 (発売) (Date of publication: 1967-10)

Item identifier: 10015977

Binding item identifier:

Shelf: 第一書庫 (茨女短大図書館)

Checkout type: Book

Circulation status: Available on Shelf

Include supplements: No

Call number: 014.32|C 98|


Acquired at: March 30, 1996

Binding call number:

Binded at:


BA00188768|Reprint. Originally published: 4th ed., rewritten. Washington : G.P.O., 1904. (U.S. Bureau of Education, special report on public libraries ; pt. 2)|"Whole no. 340"--Original t.p

Accepted at:

Created at: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 03:40:47 +0900

Updated at: Fri, 09 Nov 2018 21:54:23 +0900